God's Debris
Most of you would know of/have heard of Scott Adams as the Dilbert cartoonist. Scott's Dilbert Principle has profoundly affected management culture in the last decade, so much so that Adams was voted the 12th most influential management thinkers in the world. Not only is Adams an great cartoonist, but he is also a proliferic writer. His blog generates unbvelieble amounts of traffic and has some wonderful content.
I've downloaded his free ebook, God's Debris. Although not a claimed theologian, Adams has written a deeply profound "experiemtal philosophy" book that deals with the existence of God through a "thought experiment". Yes, yes I can hear you gagging at the thought of reading another damn book that claims God exists. This one is really different! Adam's starts off by assuring you that you've never come across thinking like this in relation to God ... and he's right. God's Debris is a monumental mind-fuck ... oops, did that slip out?
Read it and you'll probably feel the same.