Shirley Phelps
So, the podcast interview with Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper, the daughter of founder Fred Phelps, happened yesterday. I was disappointed that we didn't get to hear from Fred himself, but his daughter made up for it by dealing with Craig Gross and Mike Foster in the most condascending, brash, arrogant, incisive and defensive response to an interview I've yet heard.
Not surprising was the fact that their stance on gay folk, America, Sweden, Canada, priests, everyo other church except theirs, dead soldiers, 9-11, Katrina and suicide bombers is justified by Scripture. Man, this chick knows her Bible - all out of context IMHO. Kudos to Criag and Mike for keeping her on the line as long as they did ...
Things went pear-shaped when Shirley justified calling Mike and Craig a cocktail of dumbass', jackass' and fools as wholesome references made in the Bible. Oh yes, in her opinion, God definitely hates ... and cannot does not love everyone. God's wrath is real and is not redeemable by God's grace i.e. our entire generation is doomed to hell. Of note is the fact that WBC has membership of 90-odd - lets do the math: Fred Phelps has 13 kids, 55 grandchildren and 1 great gran-child. Add in a few husbands and wives and you've arrived at the golden 90 ... the total number of people eligble for heaven and the reason Jesus died on the Cross!
It really got hilarious when in wishing her a merry Christmas, Shirley denounced Chirstmas as a pagan, soul-damning ritual. Hence Westboro The Phelps Family don't celebrate such family time, but instead consider great family QT to be picketing at dead soldier's funerals.
hmm.. tough one.
Wikipedia doesn't know :)
But if you look here you'll get an answer.
(could it just be herc playing with some comment verification words?)
Peter le Roux, at 12/27/2005 05:23:00 pm
Pete, that was the most useless link.
Herc, did you find out about hODi woCo from an email one of our congregations ent out?
Aiden, at 1/01/2006 11:49:00 am
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