another one with abandonment phobia. aiden, on some level, do you think their absence has anything to do with you?
do you find it difficult to accept that some things and people are temporary in their nature and that it has no bearing on who you are? tell me, have you forgiven your the parent who hurt you so deeply? what about that friend who dumped you for a cooler kid?
dube, you question my motives as though you're the custodian of all that is pure in intent. does my honesty frighten you? is it disconcerting to have to defend your character?
i told you befor i am a dream broker, i make stuff happen for people who have the courage to see their weaknesses, i turn little human speres of fear and struggle into slices of heaven, in short, i am a dream broker.
this blog and many others i post on are merely an attempt to use my skill to help those who have not yet achieved sufficient self knowledge, to accept their lot and THEN to turn their lives into the powerful machine it was meant to be. If this offends you, i don't care. if helping others is somehow blasphemous to you, if it irritates you, then you're most in need of some dream brokering.
maybe i am the only one who thinks this, but you are a queer bunch. not knowing you and mostly getting to know you through this blog has been one of the more challenging 'dreamgiver' expreiences. none of you have shown any development toward honesty since the last time i visited. your words mask a deep insecurity, all of you. your words to each other reeks of hidden agendas and showing off. each of you feels you have something uniquely brilliant and you try at every opportunity to show case this percieved strength. dube, you try to be objective and argumentative, mike, you want people to believe that you are clever and kind when you know that you are neither, aiden, you want to show off your qualifications at every turn, before herc left, he was trying to be creative and funny, but failed, dale, you love your own one liners too much, steyn, has become a small man, even though he is the only anon and tried desperately to be seen as the uncouth, crude maverick, but everyone sees him as a little man. dirk, before he left made some real progress, but believed that his strength was spiritual dogma. and so you all try to outdo each other, never succeeding, always struggling.... wouldn't be great if you could all just affirm one another and wait for the blessing to be returned
dale, my payment is by means of reciprocal bartering. my income relies solely on a small percentage of the proceeds from the dream i broker.
aiden, allowing you into the succesful worlds i have created elsewhere in blogs, AA, G.J.Y, universities and virtual villages, will only make you more resentful of those people who are living their dreams. when you see how powerful you're life could have been you 'll lose the little self respect you have now.
dale, your concerns are so sweet, almost like red riding hood worried about the size of granny's nose. you are so childlike in your expressions, it would be refreshing if it were so very dangerous.
I have never insulted anyone. it is not part of 'dreambrokers' vision to belittle, insult or embarrass anyone. i merely point out those aspects of your character which needs your attention, lest you continue living a dreamless life.
self knowledge has never hurt anyone, apply some of it.
you say i can't know you from this blog. you seem to have a few opinions of me and i haven't visited as regularly as you, nor do i have a rather interesting character icon as a identity pic.
Wouter, you're really good at this! Sheesh, if I'd discovered your unique way of building up people sooner ... perhaps I could have realised the potential I clearly missed out on!
What interests me about you w(in/out!?*&)ston, is that you profess a profund understanding of the human condition and a desire to help people realise their potential.
Your pithy psycho-analysis shows some understanding of at least the mechanics of psychology. What astounds me is that you then present you analysis in a way that demonstrates your total lack of social conditioning or understanding of inter-personal relatations. If you were as fantastic a 'dreambroker'(nice word by the way) as you clearly think you are, your profound understanding of the human condition would have us all eating out of your hand. Yet, here you are and a lot of people seem upset with you. How do you explain that? (please don't try that 'afraid to explreo their destiny' line-you haven't met many of these people and don't have any idea of what they are and aren't afraid of)
peter, a very succint observation. such eloquence and power is what inspires beauty in our world. your very strong and ductile expressions will lead you into greatness, like the rock on which Christ built his church. that is the spirit which makes dreams reality, thats the conviction and force with which your dreams will rush toward you. i sense a deeper intelligence that is being held back only by your humility. you're a captain!
peter, to answer your question; sometimes what we say is less important than where it takes us. don't look at my words and believe that what you see is the way we reach our dreams. in time, all will make sense, in the meantime, stay as courageous and watchful as you are, well done, my brother!
aiden, your sarcastic attempt at making fun of another person's profession smacks of a deep resentment to all those you see in the world who are succeeding, but are doing so the easy way, unlike you.
for someone who claims to have a degree, you certainly act and speak in a very crass and dumb way. let go of that sadness you're carrying, its ruining you and others around you, you are dangerous and until you recognise that, you will continue the depression you must certainly be expreiencing.
dale, you are clearly trying to emulate Peter. you believe that if you throw all your lollipops into the sand pit that you would receive the same approval from me. dale, you are your own person, you are an individual, don't believe, even for one minute that you are anything less.
i find it strange that you would find an insulting angle to everything i say. why are you programmed to accept only the bad that people may say, what happened to good old fashioned positive thinking? i realise that you're just trying to immitate Peter, but i felt i needed to make that point any way. you disappoint me and now you also irritate me. you don't want to make me angry... i am still prepared to work with you and help you, but if you continue with this aggression, i'll have to invest my inspiration elsewhere.
you are crying mike. you hide your tears behind this mask where everything is dressed in a cloak of confidence and kindness, but you are really just crying, aren't you?
somewhere deep inside mike, there's a little boy that is lonely, wants to be famous, wants to be great, wants to make his family proud, but it didn't work out like that, did it mike?
let go of those tears, stop cloaking your pain in confidence and psuedo- postmodern- quasi intellictual claptrap, lose the jargon and just be! you love trhowing around new fashion words and phrases, it makes you feel clever and important even through you know you aren't, just be!
thank you for making the transition from bitter envy and self delusional anger to realising that you need help. it is a big step, i think i speak for everyone at dreambrokers that we are proud of your sudden, but profound change of heart.
what do you need advice with, my son? I hope that others on this blog would follow your courageous example and admit that they need help, they need to have their dreams back.
PS. I am glad that you think that you like yourself, but it is clear to all of us that you are not a very likable person, you knjow that is the truth. we'll work on it, just trust me.
mike. i want to connect with you, i want to make your dreams come true, i want to show you how precious you are and that the world is not yet ready for the genius lies within you, but i can't, you still harbor an arrogant and boastful manner and i know you will not protect my identity.
that is why i want you all to do some work, make this a place where powerful lives are born, wild, free and orange!
there's no integrity, mike. that hurts you, doesn't it. admit it! say yes and we 've made some progress. deny it and you're stuck in this dreamless world
aiden, here you go again on your overactive fear of abondenment. why is that you care so much for harmonious and amicable relationships? are you afriad to answer this question? it seems that you are. steyn, in his glory days on this blog, asked you the same question. perhaps you need to acknowledge that your best self is being stunted by your fear of lonliness.
another one with abandonment phobia. aiden, on some level, do you think their absence has anything to do with you?
do you find it difficult to accept that some things and people are temporary in their nature and that it has no bearing on who you are? tell me, have you forgiven your the parent who hurt you so deeply? what about that friend who dumped you for a cooler kid?
Anonymous, at 11/13/2005 07:51:00 am
Winston, good to have your drivel back. Ever wonder if their absence has anything to do with you?
Aiden, at 11/14/2005 07:20:00 am
dube, you question my motives as though you're the custodian of all that is pure in intent. does my honesty frighten you? is it disconcerting to have to defend your character?
i told you befor i am a dream broker, i make stuff happen for people who have the courage to see their weaknesses, i turn little human speres of fear and struggle into slices of heaven, in short, i am a dream broker.
this blog and many others i post on are merely an attempt to use my skill to help those who have not yet achieved sufficient self knowledge, to accept their lot and THEN to turn their lives into the powerful machine it was meant to be. If this offends you, i don't care. if helping others is somehow blasphemous to you, if it irritates you, then you're most in need of some dream brokering.
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 08:50:00 am
aiden, time to treatise that hidden homosalient desire... don't you think?
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 08:52:00 am
maybe i am the only one who thinks this, but you are a queer bunch. not knowing you and mostly getting to know you through this blog has been one of the more challenging 'dreamgiver' expreiences. none of you have shown any development toward honesty since the last time i visited. your words mask a deep insecurity, all of you. your words to each other reeks of hidden agendas and showing off. each of you feels you have something uniquely brilliant and you try at every opportunity to show case this percieved strength. dube, you try to be objective and argumentative, mike, you want people to believe that you are clever and kind when you know that you are neither, aiden, you want to show off your qualifications at every turn, before herc left, he was trying to be creative and funny, but failed, dale, you love your own one liners too much, steyn, has become a small man, even though he is the only anon and tried desperately to be seen as the uncouth, crude maverick, but everyone sees him as a little man. dirk, before he left made some real progress, but believed that his strength was spiritual dogma. and so you all try to outdo each other, never succeeding, always struggling.... wouldn't be great if you could all just affirm one another and wait for the blessing to be returned
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 09:39:00 am
W(out)ston, I'll call you wouter from now, has a better ring to it.
I'm not sure of the success you've had on idle banter with regards to brokering dreams ... I'm not seeing much heaven in response to your efforts.
Perhaps you'd like to point us to the other blogs you contribute to? I wouldn't mind seeing how you borker dream in other contexts.
Aiden, at 11/15/2005 10:57:00 am
dale, my payment is by means of reciprocal bartering. my income relies solely on a small percentage of the proceeds from the dream i broker.
aiden, allowing you into the succesful worlds i have created elsewhere in blogs, AA, G.J.Y, universities and virtual villages, will only make you more resentful of those people who are living their dreams. when you see how powerful you're life could have been you 'll lose the little self respect you have now.
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 11:16:00 am
dale, your concerns are so sweet, almost like red riding hood worried about the size of granny's nose. you are so childlike in your expressions, it would be refreshing if it were so very dangerous.
I have never insulted anyone. it is not part of 'dreambrokers' vision to belittle, insult or embarrass anyone. i merely point out those aspects of your character which needs your attention, lest you continue living a dreamless life.
self knowledge has never hurt anyone, apply some of it.
you say i can't know you from this blog. you seem to have a few opinions of me and i haven't visited as regularly as you, nor do i have a rather interesting character icon as a identity pic.
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 11:22:00 am
Well, that has encouraged me.
Wouter, you're really good at this! Sheesh, if I'd discovered your unique way of building up people sooner ... perhaps I could have realised the potential I clearly missed out on!
Aiden, at 11/15/2005 11:23:00 am
What interests me about you w(in/out!?*&)ston, is that you profess a profund understanding of the human condition and a desire to help people realise their potential.
Your pithy psycho-analysis shows some understanding of at least the mechanics of psychology. What astounds me is that you then present you analysis in a way that demonstrates your total lack of social conditioning or understanding of inter-personal relatations. If you were as fantastic a 'dreambroker'(nice word by the way) as you clearly think you are, your profound understanding of the human condition would have us all eating out of your hand. Yet, here you are and a lot of people seem upset with you. How do you explain that? (please don't try that 'afraid to explreo their destiny' line-you haven't met many of these people and don't have any idea of what they are and aren't afraid of)
Peter le Roux, at 11/15/2005 11:23:00 am
peter, a very succint observation. such eloquence and power is what inspires beauty in our world. your very strong and ductile expressions will lead you into greatness, like the rock on which Christ built his church. that is the spirit which makes dreams reality, thats the conviction and force with which your dreams will rush toward you. i sense a deeper intelligence that is being held back only by your humility. you're a captain!
peter, to answer your question; sometimes what we say is less important than where it takes us. don't look at my words and believe that what you see is the way we reach our dreams. in time, all will make sense, in the meantime, stay as courageous and watchful as you are, well done, my brother!
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 11:38:00 am
aiden, your sarcastic attempt at making fun of another person's profession smacks of a deep resentment to all those you see in the world who are succeeding, but are doing so the easy way, unlike you.
for someone who claims to have a degree, you certainly act and speak in a very crass and dumb way. let go of that sadness you're carrying, its ruining you and others around you, you are dangerous and until you recognise that, you will continue the depression you must certainly be expreiencing.
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 11:42:00 am
dale, you are clearly trying to emulate Peter. you believe that if you throw all your lollipops into the sand pit that you would receive the same approval from me. dale, you are your own person, you are an individual, don't believe, even for one minute that you are anything less.
i find it strange that you would find an insulting angle to everything i say. why are you programmed to accept only the bad that people may say, what happened to good old fashioned positive thinking? i realise that you're just trying to immitate Peter, but i felt i needed to make that point any way. you disappoint me and now you also irritate me. you don't want to make me angry... i am still prepared to work with you and help you, but if you continue with this aggression, i'll have to invest my inspiration elsewhere.
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 01:18:00 pm
are you lonely mike?
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 01:26:00 pm
mike, i think you found me.
you are crying mike. you hide your tears behind this mask where everything is dressed in a cloak of confidence and kindness, but you are really just crying, aren't you?
somewhere deep inside mike, there's a little boy that is lonely, wants to be famous, wants to be great, wants to make his family proud, but it didn't work out like that, did it mike?
let go of those tears, stop cloaking your pain in confidence and psuedo- postmodern- quasi intellictual claptrap, lose the jargon and just be! you love trhowing around new fashion words and phrases, it makes you feel clever and important even through you know you aren't, just be!
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 01:38:00 pm
what advice do you need dale? how can i help you?
thank you for making the transition from bitter envy and self delusional anger to realising that you need help. it is a big step, i think i speak for everyone at dreambrokers that we are proud of your sudden, but profound change of heart.
what do you need advice with, my son? I hope that others on this blog would follow your courageous example and admit that they need help, they need to have their dreams back.
PS. I am glad that you think that you like yourself, but it is clear to all of us that you are not a very likable person, you knjow that is the truth. we'll work on it, just trust me.
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 01:44:00 pm
mike. i want to connect with you, i want to make your dreams come true, i want to show you how precious you are and that the world is not yet ready for the genius lies within you, but i can't, you still harbor an arrogant and boastful manner and i know you will not protect my identity.
that is why i want you all to do some work, make this a place where powerful lives are born, wild, free and orange!
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 02:00:00 pm
dale, have you ever wondered about making love to a large fish?
answer me honestly
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 02:03:00 pm
there's no integrity, mike. that hurts you, doesn't it. admit it! say yes and we 've made some progress. deny it and you're stuck in this dreamless world
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 02:07:00 pm
The best players are always in the spectators stand.
Aiden, at 11/15/2005 03:10:00 pm
At some deep level, I'd still like to know where Dirk and Herc are?
Aiden, at 11/15/2005 03:10:00 pm
aiden, here you go again on your overactive fear of abondenment. why is that you care so much for harmonious and amicable relationships? are you afriad to answer this question? it seems that you are. steyn, in his glory days on this blog, asked you the same question. perhaps you need to acknowledge that your best self is being stunted by your fear of lonliness.
Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 03:14:00 pm
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