In recent decades religious fundamentalism has risen to such an extent that the events of
Iraq and recently
London are stamped firmly onto our global psyche.
Time recently ran an article on how 3rd generation European muslims are turning to extremsim to vent their anger ...
read it here. The nett effect is that boarding a plane or train with someone who is olive skinned, donning a long beard and white gown stirs up fear and prejudice. This is a global challenge!

But is also a challenge that Christains are being faced with in a world of religious tolerance and plurality. Half of the time, we do not even know what Islam is about, but we react fervently when faced with extremism in the media.
Is Islam a threat? What is Islam really about? Are the extremists truly Muslim?Join me on the
23rd November 19h30 in the Hope Chapel, Northfield, for a presentation on
Islam and the threat of Holy War where we'll explore these questions and issues.
i wonder how i would feel if i heard that a mosque was running a theme of 'the threat of christianity'. shouldn't we rather seek common ground?
Anonymous, at 11/08/2005 01:18:00 pm
Using the words 'Islam' and 'Holy War' in the same sentence already shows the prejudice of your presentation...
Anonymous, at 11/08/2005 03:48:00 pm
Aiden, I would be too scared to tackle a question like this. Do you start from the premise that moslems don't go to heaven?
Ana, I would be equally worried if I heard there was a talk on the threat of Christianity at a mosque. I would wonder if my faith was being misrepresented by someone who has only bad wishes for me continued existence. Aiden, you might want to consult a true moslem, in fact, even invite him / her to present the talk... just a thought.
Anonymous, at 11/08/2005 04:05:00 pm
Mm ... interesting question guys, thank you.
Ana, let me say first up: I'm not speaking on the threat of Islam. What I am doing is profiling Islam as a religion i.e. educating people about its basic tenets and giving Christians (who are typically closed-minded) frameworks in which they can understand their own religion and others. And then, the 2nd thing I am doing is addressing how Islam is becoming a religion of violence and murder and terror ... this all happens through the media and in the minds of people who have not taken the time to learn about Islam so that they are empowered to distinguish between the true spirit of Islam and the false.
Jihad is a concern for us all, and what I will be doing is explaining what Jihad is and is not, as well as questioning how a religion of peace gets turned into a violent agenda.
Mike, yes, I suppose my short write-ups get construed in different ways ... I have not been intentional in slating a religion. For anyone who knows me personally, you will know that I am passionate about the worlds religions and love them deeply.
21alpaha, good point. I have however studied with and journeyed with Muslims in friendship. This does not give me expert status, but I am confident my approach is non-threatening to Muslims (can't wait for Winston to get hold of this statement!!!!). And no, my premise is not that they don;tgo to heaven. In fact of all the apporaches to different religions my heartfelt approach does not fit within any of them.
Oh, and if I were to invite a moslem I'd need to invite a whole bunch of them ... they're are becoming more and more fragemented over the issue of Jihad.
but lets keep the debate going ...
If you like, I can blog my presentation and open the discussion????
Aiden, at 11/08/2005 05:29:00 pm
Hi Aiden, whose organising the talk? I'm deffinately keen to come
(may i bring some of my moslem friends???he he...)
Anonymous, at 11/08/2005 07:11:00 pm
Mike, that would be awesome ... please do. David, I'm organising it. Fab Frog, you're biased. Steyn ... CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Aiden, at 11/09/2005 10:29:00 am
I'm always keen to have the people being spoken about present, but tell me a little more of why you'd think it would be beneficial?
Here's my concern: I'm speaking about Islam in a general sense ... the basics, general history, general practices. One muslim in the audeince may only agree with some of what I say because he/she is only from one group wihtin Islam
Aiden, at 11/09/2005 10:32:00 am
Yes, information is what I'll be giving them. And then looking at frameworks in which they can leave the presentation and then engage with Muslims in their contexts (work, community, etc).
How about this: you can only come to the presentation if you bring a Muslim friend.
PS: have a hunch that there won;t be many people at the presentation!
Aiden, at 11/09/2005 01:24:00 pm
I agree with Alpha (the false one), Dube and Anon... It leaves me uncomfortable to hear us talking about other faiths in a way that your title suggests...
If it is just information, and we know hoe subjective religious information is, where did your get your info? If anything, I would be really interested in hearing you interpret the hundreds of imams who have very different interpretations. I would be interested to hear you talk about how some imams are misrepresenting Islam. That would be like a Buddist offering us info on the various Christian denominations and then speculating which is the REAL one.
PS. I wonder why Steyn would tell us that he'll be at the presentation... that will sure cause quite a bit of interest, not to mention the higher turnout. Now, who stands to gain from a higher turnout? Maidenmole, of course! It follows that Steyn is Maidenmole! Give it up Aids!
Anonymous, at 11/09/2005 02:27:00 pm
Houdini, I'd be happy to organise an event in which we ask all the various imams to come and present on their interpretations. When should we schedule it for? How about 2006? Mmm, might take some time, so let's book out Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, July,Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, and oh, hell, howabout Dec (for some Christmas cheer!).
Get my point?
Some succint information is needed THAT WILL be general. when it comes ot Jihad, one of my point is how many imams (who are Shi'ite muslims) misinterpet the Quran and Mohammed and Ali and all the caliphs.
Where I get my information?
3 years of Religious Studies major at Wits with a class 30-strong of muslims, jews, christains, hindu's and buddhists.
Shit, why do I have to defend myself so much ... why don;t you all just come along and hear what I have to say (or wait for Mike to blog it while sitting there?)
Aiden, at 11/09/2005 03:13:00 pm
Maidenmole, I admire you for taking on such a serious topic, rather you than me!
I am also a little concerned that you might be taking on something which may not be your forte. You are not a Muslim, it is not your place.
Anonymous, at 11/09/2005 03:19:00 pm
Aiden, why not rather talk about the threat of Christianity? More people are killed in the name of Christianity than all other religions together... and yet, you want to talk about the THREAT of Islam. Isn't that a bit rich, coming from a Christian?
3 years of religious studies??! Oh, I get it, you really ARE an expert. Come on, there's more to this topic than just where Mo had his visions.
Anon, you are right, we are short sighted and politically insensitive if we talk about the THREAT of Jihad. I think Aiden has good intentions, but just a bit misguided by the influences of CNN and Bob Woodward.
Anonymous, at 11/09/2005 03:30:00 pm
Dube, maybe you've hit the nail on the head! Presentation sounds aloff and arrogant, 'discussion' would be something I'd attend if I was in town.
I spent 18 months living in Dubai, during the build up to the invasion in 2003. I came back to sunny SA and had to listen to all this crap about Moslems from so-called experts. It still revvs me when I hear Bush, Fallwell, Robertson and Maidenmole trying to put their 'expert' spin on the Jihad. Be careful, there might be a reall expert in the audience of your 'presentation'. Some of us may even encouarge a real moslem to attend to keep you honest.
Anonymous, at 11/09/2005 03:38:00 pm
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