Our very own troll

From the description you will note that a troll loves nothing more than to feed off of the responses to his/her own excrement ... beeeyaaatifuuul! So what's the number one way to bring the troll back to size ... roughly this size:

Ofcourse, we could try to ban him, remove the comments facility from this blog, and the list goes on ... but what will we achieve? The creation of our own little utopia where no-one challenges and no-one has the frankness to challenge our banter. I sure don't want that!
From what I have seen, our troll has incited us enough to get quite nasty. Most of us who contribute and read idle banter are Christians (i.e. people who believe in Jesus and try to daily figure out what this means in our lives). My question is: to what extent are we willing to let a troll (and there may be many more to come!) lead us down a path of compromising the ways in which we want to connect with people? (I suppose ethics is the issue here). The answer is yours.
My challenge to our troll: the best sports players are in the stand hurling naartjies at the players, how about getting out of the stand, making yourself vulnerable and contribute to the game meaningfully?