...and the guard is starting to think 'Ja, this guy gets here early EVERY day and parks in the same place. But he should really clean his car sometime'
I wonder when someone is going to wake up and remvoe this car...
Pete, they won't move it - they probably reckon the chance of them getting their R15k is worth more than the expens eof twoing it away and miking it someone elses problem.
...and the guard is starting to think 'Ja, this guy gets here early EVERY day and parks in the same place. But he should really clean his car sometime'
I wonder when someone is going to wake up and remvoe this car...
Peter le Roux, at 5/03/2006 08:36:00 am
Pete, they won't move it - they probably reckon the chance of them getting their R15k is worth more than the expens eof twoing it away and miking it someone elses problem.
antsrp - ant syrup
Aiden, at 5/03/2006 01:05:00 pm
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